This blog will chronicle my medical volunteer work with Village Health Works in Burundi.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I will be departing for Africa in two hours; overnight to Entebbe, and from there to Bujumbara via Nairobi. So far, a long trip, but I am feeling refreshed after a day of total relaxation in the British Airways Business lounge: food (a surfeit of food, in fact, drink, a shower, a shave, and, surprisingly, a massage. But these respite-filled hours will probably be my last for many weeks.

I have no clue what I face tomorrow, what I will see. Will it be a land and a people and living conditions that are so unfamiliar to me that it will also feel surreal? I assume so. I know that tomorrow, I will totally abandon all that has been familiar to me. I ask myself, even as I am on the cusp of beginning that adventure, am I capable of doing that? Yes, I believe I am. Not only can I, but, for my own personal being, my own personal worth, I have to do it. I need this trip. Forget whatever help I provide to those in need, for I need this trip just as much for me. I do not need the trip to reinvent myself. I need it to challenge myself. I could not and cannot, at this point in my life, accept the normal and customary in my life. Look, I am, in no way, expressing dissatisfaction with my present life in Los Angeles. I love what I do: my practice, and my work at Childrens. But I wanted more, or maybe I just wanted different. Burundi is definitely in the category of different.

My trepidation at this point is on a more professional level. Is it hubris on my part to think that I can do what I do in a completely different environment, facing completely different diseases than I have ever faced before? Facing children so sick that I may not know what to do?I know that I have raised these issues previously in my blog. But, as I get precariously close to my day of reckoning, my fears and anxiety grow exponentially. But, yet, I go forward, and I will encounter what is to be encountered. Peter

1 comment:

  1. I in fact believe whole heartedly that you will be on the most important journey of your life next to raising your girls!The practice will feel your absence but will also follow with you your excitement.Have a wonderful "elephant" ride to your destination.
